Thursday 24 July 2008


Hi guys,

We have officially begun pre-selling tickets for The Elephant and the Sea! These specially printed limited edition tickets are going for a special rate of RM6 for Students and RM8 for everyone else!

The tickets are valid for ANY screenings from AUGUST 21 to SEPTEMBER 3, 2008, at the CATHAY CINEPLEXES, at the CURVE DAMANSARA.

We are offering this discounted rate (from the normal RM10), to encourage people to watch the film, and just cause we can!

Here's another thing: the first 20 people who buy in BULK (10 ticket and above) will receive an invitation to our PRESS PREMIERE on August 12, where you can watch the movie and mingle with the almost famous stars of the film! (note the premiere will be held during the daytime)

We have roughly 500 tickets and once that's done, it's done.

So here's how you can get the tickets:

1. Tickets can be purchased and PICKED UP at the DA HUANG PICTURES office at SS1, Petaling Jaya. For more information please email us at

2. You can email us personally, and we can reserve the tickets for you to be picked up. If you are buying in bulk, there is a chance we may be able to deliver it to you.

3. If you would like to purchase tickets but cannot pick them up for some reason, please email us anyway, and we'll help you figure it out!

I hope you will all support us! Thanks